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Hello Friends, BRLPS Jeevika Community Coordinator (CC) Admit Card 2019 jaari kar diya gya hai aur aap ise bahut hi aasaan tarike se iske official site se ise download kar sakte hai.
Ise download karne ki step by step jankari aap sabhi ko niche di ja rahi hai aur Community Coordinator (CC) pad ke bare me jo jeevika ke liye ek post hai uske bare me bhi jankaria ap sabhi ko niche di jaa rahi hai.
To yadi aapne bhi Jeevika ke Community Coordinator (CC) pad ke liye online form bhara tha to ab iska admit card download karke aap exam me upasthit ho skate hain.
Iski sabhi janakri BRLPS ke official website par di gyi hair uska direct link niche diya gya hai.
BRLPS Jeevika Community Coordinator (CC) Admit Card 2019
आपको जानकर ख़ुशी होगी कि अब इसके लिए shortlisted कैंडिडेट का लिस्ट जारी कर दिया गया है जिसे आप पोस्ट बाई पोस्ट निचे के लिंक से चेक कर सकते हैं.
और इसका एडमिट कार्ड जल्दी ही जारी किया जायेगा इसके ऑफिसियल साईट पर…
जैसा कि इसके ऑफिसियल साईट पर बताया जा रहा है इसका एग्जाम August के बाद से लिया जाना तय है ऐसे में लोग इसके एडमिट कार्ड की सर्च लोग कर रहे हैं.
Name of Organization | Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society |
Exam Mode | Computer Based Test |
Exam Duration | 60 minutes |
Total Marks | 50 |
Admit Card Download date | 14/08/2019 |
Exam Date | Sept 2019 |
How to Download BRLPS Admit Card Jeevika 2019
- सबसे पहले आपको इसके ऑफिसियल साईट पर जाना होगा जिसका लिंक निचे दे दिया गया है.
- उसके बाद इसके राईट कार्नर में इसका एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड करने का लिंक आप सभी को दिख जायेगा.
- आप उस पर क्लिक करें और उसके बाद अपन एप्लीकेशन नंबर इत्यादि डालकर अपना एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड कर लें.
- इसका एक प्रिंट ले लें ताकि आप इसे लेकर एग्जाम हॉल जा सकें.

Details Mentioned on the BRLPS 2019 Admit card
- आपका नाम
- Date of Birth
- Father’s Name
- Application Number
- Password for CBT
- सेण्टर का नाम
- सेण्टर का एड्रेस
- CBT Time
BRLPS CC Syllabus
Area Coordinator/ Community Coordinator | ||
1 | Computer | 5 |
2 | Reasoning | 5 |
3 | Math | 5 |
4 | Social GK | 35 |
Grand Total | 50 |
About BRLPS Jeevika
The Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project (BRLP) is an ambitious project of the Government of Bihar for the alleviation of poverty in the State. The objective of the project is to provide right & equal opportunities for livelihoods for the rural community especially poor. Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society under the overall Framework of National Rural Livelihoods Mission to scale up the JEEViKA model of poverty alleviation throughout all 534 blocks of 38 district of Bihar in a phased manner. Over a period of 10years, SRLM mandate is to mobilize 1.5 crores rural HHs into 10 Lakhs SHGs, 65000 VOs, and 1600 CLFs. BRLPS through the Bihar Rural Livelihoods Project (BRLP) aims to improve rural livelihood options and works towards social and economic empowerment of the rural poor and women. Development professionals working with BRLPS intervene with the community through the following four themes or programs: institution and capacity building, social development, microfinance, and livelihoods.
BRLP is a marquee program in development and has already earned recognition from various governments, governmental/nongovernmental and other stakeholders for its path-breaking initiatives. It provides a professional and challenging work environment to its associates. This is a good opportunity for experienced development
professionals and aspiring youngsters to associate with one another for the development of rural India.
BRLPS is mandated to implement SRLM in all blocks of Bihar and looking for professionals at various level
Working at Grassroots
BRLP development professionals live and work among people of the community they serve. This implies that our associates live in the villages and serve the people of the community by interacting with them. The working conditions that exist in villages are greatly different from the working conditions in urban areas. Applicants who are looking for office or desk-based jobs are strongly advised not to apply.
CC jeevika-2019
CC jeevika-2019